No (For)Getting

Is the unconscious glove
That separates
Us from
Direct contact
To our awareness

Takes the gloves off
So our hands
Can touch our hearts
Shift our minds 
To re-member
Our wholeness

Collective acceleration
Is how we change
Like the murmuration
Of starlings
Dancing together
To the constant song 
Of remembering

We live 
In a culture of
Of always wanting more. 

We want to forget
Before we forgive
Or are

The scarcity of
Never enough 
Lives in the shadows
Of the forgotten
We re-member

We can rejoin 
And rejoice 
With each other 
In the current 
Of abundant love


How do we make sacred the changing of our habits? Grief is a ceremony for our forgotteness. Death is required before rebirth.

by Omar Brownson

March 25, 2022


As part of "In the Art of Waging Peace, The Heart Is Everything" Booklet

Omar Brownson – Poetry

Los Angeles , CA / Tongva Lands 

These words are a practice of listening with the heart. I share them with the spirit of love and in service to peace.

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