
We are flow-ers
Of radical mending
Of self
Of others
Of we

Not by our self but
by kakou —
all in this together

All of us includes
the eye
Of seeing
           Even what we
don’t remember

Our practice 
              of being
Is still true
Or we will dream 
           too short

Our exhale
Is not in our minds
It is in our experience

Feel the most
Bottom part
Of who you are

Feel what holds you
connected to the ground

Posture is dignity
It is what holds

The entirety
Of our past
Connected to heaven

With each breath
We take in

And let go
All the way

by Omar Brownson

May 19, 2022


As part of "In the Art of Waging Peace, The Heart Is Everything" Booklet

Omar Brownson – Poetry

Los Angeles , CA / Tongva Lands 

These words are a practice of listening with the heart. I share them with the spirit of love and in service to peace. 


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